Wow - doesn't time fly when you're having... well... not as much fun as you'd like! Its been a full week since ive blogged - ive been so busy and caught up in bits of this, bits of that. But glad to say that Spring is finally here and for the first time in what feels like ages, im feeling very motivated and ready to go! Must be the sunshine - it does that to people. Although its hard to tell today, looking out of the studio window seeing the landscape covered in a fine misty fog. Still, could be worse.
So last week kept me very occupied with the many freelance projects I seem to have ongoing at the moment - I was beginning to think it would be a long time until my social life re-emerged. But I was talked into taking a break and spending Saturday night out with DB and our friends from the local cricket team (of which I have been brought up with virtually from birth!). The guys and us WAGS went for a meal at a new Chinese restaurant in town - one of these 'All-you-can-eat buffet' type things - and it was so lovely! A few drinks afterwards and I forgot the hustle and bustle of everyday life and actually relaxed and enjoyed myself - has been a while!
Back to normality on Monday though and straight back into the weekday routine, and before I know it, its Wednesday already! Still spent the last couple of evenings working on a website that im helping out with, and tonight will most likely entail the same, combined with finding time to sort out the spare bedroom that has magically turned into a junk shop somehow. Its amazing what you can hoard without realising. Have also got a few more cards to make this week for a cousins birthday, DB's step-sis who recently had a baby girl, and a few Easter cards that Im sending. I dont usually do Easter cards, but grandparents seem to appreciate them - especially hand-made.
Hopefully will manage a few hours off tomorrow night though to go watch DB and my brother playing in their weekly league snooker match. Its not something I tend to follow much, but its their last game of the season and apparently they make a bit of a night of it. Plus they (and the rest of the team) have decided that just for a laugh they are going to be sporting the most drastic of John Virgo style eye-popping waistcoats and bow ties. Now that's got to be worth the visit alone!
Anyway, I did manage to find time earlier for a little catch up on a few of the Her Space : My Space blog prompts. Enjoy!
It seems my lack of blogging over the weekend and unfinished 'Things to do today' list fit in nicely with the latest Her Space : My Space blog prompt -Busy
There just never seems to be enough hours in the day or days in the week!
Appetizer Name two things that made you smile this week.
The birth of my sister's healthy twin boys! Does that count as 2?! No? Okay, that, and the other day when I went to get the tissue of my jeans back pocket and it turned out to be a £20 note - don't you just love it when that happens! (Still didn't have anything to blow my nose on though) Soup Fill in the blank: Don't you hate it when ________?.... You thought you had a £20 note and it turns out to be a tissue!
Salad When you can't go to sleep, what is your personal remedy to help yourself drift into Lullabyland?
Hmm... usually if I can't get to sleep virtually straightaway then im pretty much awake most of the night tossing and turning, especially if things are on my mind. Sometimes I find if I get up, go get a glass of water, plump my pillows a bit and generally fidget for a while I may doze off eventually. Main Course What is something about which you've always wondered but have not yet found a good answer?
How a man's mind works! Dessert What is your favorite pasta dish?
Too hard a question - I love anything Italian! Mainly anything with cheese and tomato in so I guess a good homemade lasagne or canneloni, with lots of pasta sauce, herbs and garlic. Mmm ive just made myself hungry and its lunchtime!
Enjoyed dining? Why not share your Friday Feast.
Have a good weekend all!
This week I got to kill 2 birds with one stone (or should that be 3!) by integrating the creation of my Mothers' Day card with Tuesday's Little Extra challenge over at Daring Cardmakers. Using their 'Simply Super Sketch' here's what I came up with:Using cream and red card stock, vintage-workshop antique rose patterned paper, gold ribbon and flower from The Stampman, gold brads, and doodlebug rub-on lettering. Fairly pleased how this turned out as red and gold are 2 of my favourite colours and look so lovely on the cream card (the photo does it no justice). Not so pleased when I showed it to dad and he claimed it for himself to give to nan instead! Then DB also requested that I make one for his mum, so more of the same stock and embellishments and a bit more creativity and I managed to muster up two more lovelies.
Yesterday morning I became an aunty for the 5th AND 6th time (!) - my sister gave birth to long-awaited twin boys, Jayden Lewis (7lbs) and Ryan Luke (6lbs 12). Born 3 weeks early but im told both lovely and healthy. Cute little brothers for Shanae and Abigail im sure. Can't wait to see them! Here's the card I made for the occasion. Not the greatest of photos (the card is actually white!). Got to use my cute new baby footprints stamps from HeroArts, francis meyer pastel stripes paper in blue/lilac, and doodlebug 'all mixed up' rub-ons also in lilac for the text, which im loving at the moment - stocked up on a fair few of these sheets.
• A spoonful of stress.
• A tablespoon of tiredness.
• A bowlful of boredom.
• A wonderment of wishful thinking.
• A dash of daydreaming.
• and plentiful of pointless perusal.
Anyone wanting to whisk me off to far away shores and drown me in diamonds, dollars and... doritos (!) please do.